Farewell Color Assist - Your life was short and Bright

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A minute silence for the recently departed Color Assist product from Technicolor. Yes, just 7 months after launch I received an email, like all users, that Color Assist is no more and that all development has ceased, support to end in September 2013. For the time being customers can get support by emailing CinestyleHelp@technicolor.com.

It’s a shame, although seemingly simple, what it did do it did well which in my book should be the goal of any tool. So I previously declared that it was my color grading tool of choice, now I will need to put up with the others which all work, but are either bloated, or missing an essential element, but importantly, not real time. I personally think that Technicolor were on to something with this tool, but it was not meant to be. Who knows the reason why it was pulled, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it was a higher level corporate shareholder profit driven decision. It will go into bucket of other extremely useful but deprecated software such as Combustion, Final Cut Pro, and Apple Shake.
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